Working Under Pressure
I've had so much going on that I've really slacked off with the writing. Part of it is that I don't have anything really pressing. I still have nine months to write the next contracted book and it's already started so I'm not worried about that. I just heard that I'll be getting another contract in a few weeks and that book will be due in about a year.
Then I realized that I have edits coming in February for the August release. And I really want to get the current WIP finished by June so I can finish the next contracted book by August, because that will only leave me 5 months to write the book that I'm getting the contract for in a few weeks. Plus July and August will be busy with promoting the August release.
I better get busy.
In order to jump start the writing I signed up for
Mary Castillo's Book In A Week challenge. Of course none of us will really write a whole book in a week, but we've all committed to a certain amount of pages or words. I'm lagging a little behind. OK, a LOT behind. But it's got me writing again. I'm a little worried that it's all crap. But, hey, I can edit crap.
I've always been the kind that works well under pressure. When I was doing production art (the old-fashioned way with an X-acto knife and a waxer), I was the one who always had to paste up the huge sale liner page while the delivery person was cooling his jets in the lobby. In high school, I usually spent the winter break in the library writing the paper that was due on January 2nd. Of course, I couldn't think of a better place to spend two weeks than in a huge building full of books.
I've tried to establish a more consistent schedule. I've made plans to write a little each day and clean a little each day so that it all gets done. But, it never happens. I'll write all day for several days, then spend an entire day cleaning the house. There must be something to that saying that leopards don't change their spots.